Vision Statement
All students can be college and career ready if given the proper preparation, training, and support.
Queens Technical High School is committed to the development of a safe and productive learning environment that fosters a meaningful and respectful collaboration between staff, students, families and the community, in order to achieve common goals.
Instruction is delivered through our departments, with a curriculum that has a strong focus on promoting literacy and communication skills across content areas. All classrooms provide students with the tools necessary to actively engage with higher order thinking skills, by providing students opportunities to apply their new knowledge in real world situations as much as possible. This encourages students to take ownership of their learning.
Our learning environment helps students establish routines and rituals such as good attendance, timeliness, and preparedness for success in any post-secondary endeavor. Our school culture instils a sense of responsibility for self and the community, pride in achievements, and an understanding that life-long learning is necessary in an ever-changing world.
- Teachers shall use daily, on-going checks for understanding of content and attainment of skills.
- Teachers shall use summative assessments regularly to measure student progress toward mastery of the standards. We require proficiency in all NYS commencement learning standards. We encourage mastery level proficiency, meeting the New York State levels for all core content areas of study.
- The NYC Public School Grades application will be used by all staff to monitor and communicate student progress. All report card grades will be entered in Stars.
- Report card grades will be distributed four times per year. Families are encouraged to monitor student progress in the NYC Schools Account. Students can monitor their progress in TeachHub.
- Fall and spring parent-teacher conferences are opportunities for students and parents to collaborate with teachers regarding students' academic progress. Parents/guardians and families may schedule additional progress meetings with teacher teams through their child’s guidance counselor.
- Grades are cumulative and represent the student's mastery of content. The final grade reflects the quality of the work the student has completed for the course. It will be the only grade that appears on the student's transcript. Students will be provided catch-up opportunities to improve their grades throughout the term.
- Students who are entitled to accommodations based on their ENL status, IEP, and/or 504 plan must receive those accommodations to support mastery of content. School staff can identify these accommodations in Student Profile and SESIS.