Counseling » Honors Courses

Honors Courses


Algebra I, Algebra II, Biology, Chemistry, Earth and Space Science, English 1, English 3, English 7/Journalism, Geometry, Global 1, and Government. (Note that AP courses are offered in lieu of honors for English 5, Global 3, and US History).


We use a mix of objective and subjective factors to determine honors course placement. In August, the Program Office will compile a recommendations file and admit the top 34 students to each course according to the following calculation:
  • 1 point if the student received a teacher recommendation.
  • 2 points if the student’s unweighted subject area average is 90 or above (e.g., 90 or above mathematics average to qualify for Geometry Honors).
  • Up to 3 points if the student achieved mastery on the subject area Regents exams.
    • Algebra II: based on Algebra I and Geometry Regents
    • Chemistry: based on Biology and Earth and Space Science Regents
    • Earth Science: based on Biology Regents
    • Geometry: based on Algebra I Regents
    • Government: based on Global II and US History Regents
Students will be enrolled in these courses if the above criteria are met AND the course fits into the student’s schedule. If you have any questions, please contact your counselor.